School Days Series

  • Chapter 1: Crossing the Line- When threaten to get kicked out of school, Blake takes the offense on his teacher.
  • Chapter 2: Explanation- The story of how the teacher got a heart attack; not a easy story for Blake O'Brian to explain to his family.
  • Chapter 3: Potition- Wording out the school food, Dana and Mellisa drag Blake in to help support them.
  • Chapter 4: Mellisa and Dana- Preparing for a end of semester Exam. But studying with two girls who like you, not really easy.
  • Chapter 5: Noob- A new student comes to Greenwall High School and becomes easy prey for the bullies and the gangsters.
  • Chapter 6: Long Live the King- When Andrew Peevee (new student) is confronted by a gang, blood would rain upon the school.
  • Chapter 7: The Tell-Tale Heart of Andrew Peevee- After his kill of the leader of the gang, Andrew tells his new friends: Blake, Mellisa, and Dana what he had done.
  • Chapter 8: Judgement- after hearing his tale; Blake, Mellisa, and Dana decide "Not gulity". But wasn't only Andrew's new friends who heard the tale

Music Makes our World go Round

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Chapter 1 Nightmares

"No! Not that! No!"
My eye lids flew open. My heart hurt. The beating of it caused me so much pain Cold sweat was all over me. I put my finger to my neck. Feeling thirty-two beats in just the fifteen seconds. My fan, that was right above me, chilling me. I was shaking all over in my bed.
Those white hands, cold, dead looking hands, reaching out and grabbing my throat and whispering the five most deadliest words i have ever heard, "It is time to die boy." The voice from that speaker with his hands on my throat, was low and as cold as his hands. The thing's breath smelled of decay and ice.
The sweat, that had formed at my ear, fell from my sideburns and onto my shoulder blade. Piercing my hot, over heating body.

I laid back my back on the pillow i slept on. Then i reached down on the ground for my other pillow. I put it on the back board of my bed and laid my head on the pillow, feeling the nice coolness sink into my face.
My heart wouldn't stop beating that hateful pace. My eyes were bulging and i felt like they were going to fall out any second. But sleep was rolling over me. I looked to my left at my hand carved nightstand and looked down at my Clock-Radio. Four Thirty-nine was pulsing out in a bright lime green color.
My eye lids were drooping and feeling like lead and i tried to stay awake. But as i knew, i was fighting an endless battle. My room seemed to become focused and unfocused. MY mind was yelling at me to stay awake, but i felt weak and body was becoming cold from the fan, mixing with the sweat. I closed my eyes and slipped into the realm of imagination.

My ears were pierced with the sclince of the dark room. No light shined through, as far as i was aware of, the room was completely empty. MY hands flew right in front of me, hoping to make contact with something or someone. But i knew something was there. My neck hairs stood on end. The thing or object may be in front of me. I remember from last time in the nightmare and it hit me. I dropped my arms, brought my pointer finger to my left side of my neck. I hit four beats before i even got to the first second. I immeditaly dropped my arm.
A figure moved and it clcked in my mind. Run. I turned my ball of my left foot.
It felt like i was in slow motion like all dreams, almost endless. I was running like hell. But was i even moving? I felt no wind cross my face as i ran.
A high clear, icy voice threw me to the ground, "STOP!" I fell to my knees.

I was thrown back backinto the empty blackness. I was sure, my feet weren't touching anything. Then questions poped in my head. How was...who...NO!
I was slammed into something hard and i knew what i was on.
The second the memory of what i was on focused, my hands were shackled. My feet were bound my chains. NO! Wake up! WAKE UP! I shouted to myself. My heart felt like it was beating out of time, almost feeling it was about to beripped right out of my chest. My breathing was harsh and fast.
The figure, whatever it was, moved over to my right, snickering. My beats were growing faster and louder as IT moved closer. IT stopped right out of my eye sight. IT, the thing stopped laughing. I tied to break free from my bindings, to stop the aching pain of my heart. But the bindings tightened and i felt the chains binding my feet cut into my skin, feeling warm blood flow down on my feet.
Wait! This was a dream, i shouldn't feel a thing. Then second, this is my mind. Why am i not controlling it, now!? I can send the foul thing into the abyss of my imagination.
"I order you to die, NOW!" I yelled at it. It's head looked at me and it laughed a high, cold laugh.
"I am not a fragment of your imagination, boy. You can't kill me." He muttered in a low voice.
"I said die!" i hollered at him.
IT walked in front of my vision and raised it's hand.

A light flickered above It and I almost screamed. But how?
I looked into the face of a beautiful girl, with dazzling red hair, freckled sacking and brown eyes. "Alexis, how?" I said shocked.
"Why would you want me to die Jon? Don't you love me?" she said in a sad voice.
"I don't, i have always loved you." i said.
She moved up to my front and laid her hands on my shirt. Warmth course through my body filling me up. Then in a quite voice she whispered in my ear, "I have and will always love you Jon."

Many thing happened when she said those words. Those beautiful, warm hands became ice cold. Her face was cast into the shadows and the my heart was thundering back up. The warm brown eyes tuned into deep, cold black.
The thing was staring down at me, sneering and showing black sickening teeth. "I will always love Jon. How pathetic!" IT chortled SHRIEK at me. IT laughed a harder mad, insane laugh.
It brought it's cold, dead hand over my body, stopping at the beginning of my wind pipe. It looked me straight in my eyes and i was aware my eyes dilated because he whispered, "Your scarred, aren't you? Yes! I can feel it and taste it."
It grabbed my throat and i felt my wind pipe beginning to close.
It brought it's head next to mine. Then brushed it's lips across my forehead and in Alexis's voice it said, "You will never see day light again Jon Theall!"
I gasped. My heart gave a big huge pump and it stopped.
My vision started fading.
"Goodbye Ruler of the World."


The World is Changing!

The World is Changing!
Smart and straight to the point. He's like a little boy with a large vocabulary. He's the nicest character Jackie's meet and he gets along with her.


Blake O'Brian

Blake O'Brian







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